
Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) is a public transport company owned by the City of Tallinn, which employs approximately 2100 people. We are one of the largest operators in Tallinn. We employ a wide variety of professions: bus drivers, tram drivers, trolleybus drivers, locksmiths, electricians, welders, cleaners, laundry staff. We value people in any profession, noting both small and big improvements

Join our team today and contribute to the development of safe, modern and environmentally friendly public transport!

Check out our active job vacancies here or on the Unemployment Insurance Fund website

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Tule õpi bussi- või trollijuhiks ja omanda kindel amet!

Registreeri end D-kategooria kursustele.

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Ootame Sind, kui oled vähemalt 24-aastane, juhistaaž (B-kategooria) vähemalt 4 aastat ning oled valmis panustama turvalise ja kaasaegse ühistranspordi arengusse.

The cheerful staff at TLT invite you to join them!

Aktsiaselts Tallinna Linnatransport (TLT) is a company with a distinguished history and a dynamic vision for the future, where commitment to the profession is valued and every employee is given the opportunity to develop their professional skills. We are interested in employees who share our values and are willing to contribute to the development of modern, safe, comfortable and environmentally friendly public transport. We value those who enjoy their work and go into each day with a desire to give their best. A good reputation for TLT starts with people, their skills and their commitment. We are more than 2,000 people focused on achieving common goals. If you feel you want to be part of us, let us know.


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Kadaka tee 62a, 12615 Tallinn

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